Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Genuine Passion

Whether you've already joined my team or this is your first time coming across my blog or you've been lurking on the fence for some time, this post can be beneficial to you! There are a lot of companies and stores out there selling essential oils. How are you suppose to know which are best... and does it even matter? YES! It does matter!

Rather than going into detail and telling you why not to use every other companies oil, let me tell you why my family only uses Young Living.

Most essential oils on the market today are not pure and therapeutic grade, they are created for fragrance purposes for their scent alone. Young Living is a company that offers pure therapeutic grade oils that are for your health and well being and can be used aromatically, topically and ingesting. They take complete control of the process of their products from cultivating the seeds, owning their own farms, planting and harvesting, distilling the oils to packaging the bottles. Their is no third party involved. They invite us to come see and watch their Seed to Seal process at their farms and distilleries to guarantee us that we are getting exactly what is in the final product. Young Living is the world leader in essential oils and has been for over 20 years!

If they have a bad batch during harvest season, that oil will not be produced. They never ever use synthetics just to sell a product. As distributors we will see oils go out of stock for months and this is why. Yes, it is frustrating.. because we want our oils but this company values quality over making a profit. To me, that says a lot about the type of company they are and gives me a peace of mind knowing that I'm using the very best essential oil out there.

From my genuine passion comes the desire to share far and wide!! I whole heartedly want to get these oils into as many homes as possible because I know what they can do! Heck, I think most of us that are using YL's essential oils would give them out for FREE if we could.

I bought the premium starter kit to help with my kiddos with sleep and to help with my stress level for raising two wild energetic Byrum boys (2 and 6 years old).  Have they helped? ABSOLUTELY! They have helped with so much more to bumps and bruises to assist with pain, upset tummies, headaches form temper tantrums, breathing issues from common colds, to stinky odors in shoes, and getting pen marks off walls. The stories I get from my team on how they are helping others will blow your mind!

If you are ready to take control of your families health + wellness and you only want to do it the most natural way possible, I promise you will love this lifestyle change. You will not be overwhelmed because I will be here every step of the way and you can reach out to me anytime. Everyone deserves this!


Unknown said...

Absolutely the best oils! Just finished rubbing down 2 ladies in my office with headaches...both are shocked how much better they already feel! Also, Casey is the best, all I have to do is call her and she either helps me out or finds answers for me!!!

Casey Byrum said...

Thank you Amy! For trusting me and joining me on this oily journey and sharing with others!

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