I chose Young Living as the company to join, because that is the company my girlfriends use and recommend. After my own research, I soon realized they made an excellent choice! Young Living offers an incomparable Seed to Seal process that no other company offers; they guarantee that the purity and potency of their oils are 100% therapeutic grade and control every aspect of their production line. They own their own farms all over the world, plant their own seeds and harvest their own crops; they manage every step of the production of oils up to sealing the bottle for shipment. The company is so confident in its products that they even allow consumers to visit the farms and participate in the harvest and distillation process.
Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts found in leaves, stems, flowers, roots, shrubs, bark, trees, seeds and fruit. They are complex chemical compounds that are the "lifeblood" of a plant. Essential Oils were mankind's first medicine and is mentioned over 180 times in the Bible.
So you ask what do we use these oils for? For just about EVERYTHING! Seriously friends, they are little blessings in a bottle. Each oil has it's own unique healing attribute and characteristic that works on the limbic system in the brain where emotions are stored. They help release hormones that aid in relaxation, focus, energy, emotional trauma, and allows us to clear the mind. They can be used for pain relief, anxiety, depression, a good's night sleep, immune support, skin care, hormonal support, or just getting rid of unwanted odors in the house; the list is endless... because there is an oil for that!
If you don't already use oils, but have considered it and want to know more, all you will need is your essential oils starter kit which comes with 11 of the most popular oils + a diffuser (dew drop is my favorite). It is the best value and provides you with everything you need to get started and is worth over $300 for only $160. By ordering your kit and joining Young Living as a wholesale member (you do not have to ever sale a thing) you are able to save 24% on any oil orders you place after that. It is not a subscription, so you can order what you want, when you want it, at any time!

I hope you will join me, I know for certain that you will love it just as much as I do! The link to enroll in my team and start a new beginning this year towards a healthier lifestyle is:
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