Wednesday, September 30, 2015

This is one of the cutest little boys I have ever seen! I was tickled when my friend and coworker Laney asked me to take pictures of her little boy, Reed, at Point Comfort. Thankfully the rain held out for us and he came with all smiles. I am so excited to share with you a few of my favorites:

Thursday, September 24, 2015

I can NOT even put into words how much I LOVE to photograph children doing what they LVOE to do and having FUN <3 It brings me so much joy to share with you these sessions I took two days ago at Chowan Co. fair! Yes you read correctly.. TWO days ago! I came home that night and stayed up half the night editing and as well as the following day because I was dying to start. Here are a few favorites from these series and I would like to thank all the parents for allowing me to tag along with them and be apart of their kids fun night!